The Tour de Newport is a challenge I'd wanted to complete for 2 years ever since plotting it out of curiosity to know how far it was around the border of my home town. After a solid 5 months training I successfully completed the distance (my furthest run by over 20 miles) and everything went exactly to plan.
I was supported with a mobile aid station around the entirety of the route meaning that I had food, water and medical supplies along the way. I have a colostomy bag so it meant that I was easily able to change the bag multiple times without worrying about leakages. 7 people joined me along the way running around half the total distance with me.
Thanks to my parents for the mobile aid station and to Andrew Jones, Dave Kempton, Chris O'Brien, Alex Jones, Mike and Caroline Matthews and Darren Gwynne-Hamer for running with me and for Howard Attwood, Yvonne Forsey, Mark and Sarah Burman, Sean Monaghan, David and Cara Gates, Linda Hoskins and Paul Lewis for the support along the way.