FKT: Robert Santoro - Twin Cities Grand Rounds (MN) - 2024-11-23

Route variation
Infiniti Loop
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
9h 49m 56s
GPS track(s)

I wanted to try to parlay some of my marathon fitness into a 100k, so I thought I'd wrap the attempt into this FKT. 


This was the second longest run I've ever done. The farthest run was a last person standing, so this was the longest consecutive. I learned some things - some that worked and some that didn't. The only stops I made were to use the bathroom in a porta potty or behind a tree, or to attend to a hot spot on my foot a few times.


I did this run unsupported from just south of the Monument in St. Paul, so went as minimalist as I could.


I ran with an Aonijie running belt and a Nevo Rhino hydration vest. I took a 2 liter bladder of water, two 500 ml soft flasks of Tailwind, 10 SiS beta fuel gels, and 8 Gu roctane gels - all of which I pretty much bled dry.


Running through the Twin Cities was like striding through a large reefer cloud. There are a lot of road intersection crossings which kind of sucked, too. 


I want to thank those before me who blazed and FKT'd this course before me. I would've gotten lost otherwise. Even with your gpx files to help keep me on track, I still took a bunch of wrong turns.


I meant to take a photo at the beginning of the run, but forgot until about a mile or so in, so I stopped and took one along the trail by the first bridge, facing towards Minneapolis. I took on of my ending point at Goodrich at the end, and a quick selfie that came out pretty blurry and weird looking in the dark.


Weather was decent, high 30s and cloudy throughout.