FKT: Ryan Flint - Bruce Trail, Toronto Section (ON, Canada) - 2024-07-06

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 36m 31s

This attempt at the Toronto section of the Bruce Trail was actually part of the inaugural First Blaze trail race put on by Happy Trails Racing. The course included the entirety of the Toronto section, with the additions of the final 1.2km of the Caledon Hills section prior to the official Toronto start, and about 700m of the beginning of the Iroquoia section after Toronto officially ends (both of these were added to facilitate parking for all of the race participants.

Aside from a couple of falls late in the race, the day honestly could not have gone better. And even then, they were relatively minor falls with little to show for the impacts. I will say, despite having run the section 3 years ago, I clearly forgot how technical most of this was, with what felt like near-constant rock-hopping with limited opportunity for genuine running for what felt like very long stretches. Fortunately, I was able to stay on track without any wrong turns, I avoided injury despite a few somewhat reckless descents, and kept pushing all the way to the finish, getting to see and cheer on every single one of the 25k runners as I passed by them one by one in that second half.

The biggest relief for me was passing through the "hole in the wall" at Limehouse Conservation Area unimpeded, since there was little-to-nobody there. This was a stark contrast to what I faced in 2021 with a massive bottle-neck compared with a overheated, rageful mother that got in my head and effectively ruined my day. I was so happy to have nothing like that this time around, I basically felt like it was smooth sailing all the way.