FKT: Sam Schmidt - Seattle Olmsted 50k - 2024-07-08

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 10m 16s

I had originally planned to take this a bit quicker and avoid restocking on water. However, temperatures rose to highs for this year in the preceding week and I was dissuaded from that about 10 miles in. Fortunately, this route takes you through many of Seattle's great parks and these parks are generally flush (if you will) with bathrooms. I was able to refill my water three times: in the Arboretum, Leschi Park, and Seward Park. I'm very thankful for that or I would have had to call this off early on.

The route is gorgeous, and I had brilliant views of Mt. Rainier as you run along Lake Washington. The elevation in the second half is somewhat deceptive. It a the portion of the route I had not run at all and was rather boring, but in better temps I think it would not be so bad. It's a great way to explore our beautiful city, especially some of the lesser-seen parks on the south end.

There's definitely plenty of time to knock off here, especially because of the weather. I had hoped to go sub-5, but there was no way I had that in this heat.

(Bonus picture: the days around this FKT were a heat wave in Seattle and Redditors were discussing how to stay cool...I found it funny they specifically mentioned people weren't out running far in this weather. Well, some of us are!)