FKT: Sandra Braun, Jack Masters - Felsenland Sagenweg (Pfalz) - 2024-05-27

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2d 7h 5m 0s

Day 1:

Parked at trail head and started at 9:20am, able to jog the downhills on day one. Packs weighing in at about twelve kilos at this point.

34,5km done by the end of the day, including short detour to find a camp site. Car to camp: 9h53m.


Day 2:

Breaking camp at about 8:40am. No jogging, lots of steep climbs and technical descents. Feet starting to hurt quite a lot, lots of longer breaks necessary.

Total distance covered: 29,6km, camp to camp: 10h41m.


Day 3:

Breaking camp at about 8am. Back to a little bit of jogging, many breaks necessary as time on feet began to wear us down. 

As on the previous days, water was plentiful at fountains and pumps in villages on the way. Nutrition consisted of bars and trail mix and one hot dinner per day.

At 4:25pm, we completed the Felsenland Sagenweg in Bruchweiler-Bärenbach and then we limped another 6,5km back to the trailhead in Dahn where our car was parked.