FKT: Sarah Walcott-Sapp - Kéktúra Stage 14: Hűvösvölgy to Rozália téglagyár (Hungary) - 2024-06-02

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Finish date
Total time
1h 29m 19s

I was in Budapest for work for a week and this was a such fun way to see a different part of the city. I was very lucky with beautiful weather and excellent conditions with only a few muddy sections. I brought one gel but didn't eat it, didn't bring water, and didn't get any help along the way so this was an unsupported effort.

Thanks to Anthony Constable/RCHU for publicizing it as an FKT (I don't know how you ran it so fast in the rain and mud - wow!) and to Alyssa Roberts and Adrienne Polgár (previous fastest segment time on Strava) for establishing women's times.  It was fun to see a lot of other solo women out running parts of this route on a Sunday morning and I would definitely like to do it again and take more time to enjoy the views if I'm ever back in the area.