FKT: Simon Duke - Larapinta Trail (NT, Australia) - 2023-05-21

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1d 15h 56m 28s

Perfect weather, perfect training block, great crew (Hehlee Duke) & pacers (Rodney Angelo, Cail Rayment & Jason Wilson). Overall, everything went to plan. Went up and down Mt Sonder a bit quick (1h50m) and had to manage threatening cramps for a while but nothing salt tabs and magnesium cream couldn't fix. Ran through the water in Davenport Creek about 39kms into it with fresh shoes waiting at Ormiston Gorge. Managed to get to Ellery Creek (106kms) in just under 15hrs before Rodney joined me through the rough stuff all the way to Standley Chasm (166kms) by which time I was 10mins behind my goal time but very concerned about what legs I would have to finish the remaining 65kms. Cail joined me from here and we went over the rough stuff slowly and couldn't get moving very well even after things flattened out a bit. Had a 6 minute nap at Jay Creek which gave me 35kms of strong running all the way to Wallaby Gap....slow again over Euro ridge through the Charles Creek Bridge but managed 4 'fast' km's to finish in just under 40hrs.

Massive kudos again to Shane Johnstone who had set the 40h55m mark in 2019 including an acciedental double ascent of Brinkley's which has become a legendary tale.

Very thankful for how this attempt came together in the end! Some of the most beautiful and brutal ultra running Australia has to offer!