FKT: Stephen Sammut Nurminen - Thailand - Mae Sot to Mukdahan (West to East) - 2024-08-20

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
9d 18h 44m 19s

What did you do, and how did it go?

I completed a challenging run across Thailand, covering 748 kilometers from the western border with Myanmar to the eastern edge at Mukdahan, not far from the Mekong River. The route followed the AH12 and took me through a diverse range of landscapes, from rolling hills to flat plains, with constantly changing weather conditions. The run was tough, especially with the intense heat and the physical demands of the long-distance, but overall it went well. I paced myself, kept my focus, and pushed through the harder sections, especially the hilly segments on Day 1 and Day 6. It was both a mental and physical test, but I finished strong, feeling a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the journey.

Did anyone run with you for any distance?

No one ran the full distance with me, but I had a support van that followed the route and would meet me every 5-10 kilometers. At these checkpoints, I would take short breaks to cool down, change clothes if needed, and ensure I was staying on top of my nutrition and hydration.

Did you resupply with food and, if so, how?

Yes, I resupplied with food regularly throughout the run. I carried basic nutrition like gels and energy bars, but the support van played a crucial role in bringing fresh supplies. Every 5-10 km, I would stop to have a quick snack or meal, depending on the time of day, and to replenish my energy levels. Having a steady supply of food was key to maintaining my endurance over the long days.

Where did you get water?

I carried a water bottle with me, and during each stop with the support van, I would refill it. We made sure to stock plenty of water in the van so that I could stay hydrated, especially with the extreme heat. At times, I also used cooling towels to manage the heat and stay fresh during the runs.


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Profile picture for user Stephen Sammut Nurminen

It's worth mentioning that the 10-day run was not done continuously. We broke the distance down into segments, spending around 15 hours on the road each day. That left us with about 8-9 hours off the road, which was spent on a variety of crucial tasks. After each day’s run, we had to:

  1. Find accommodation (sometimes driving an hour or more to locate something),
  2. Clear out the van,
  3. Find a laundry to wash our clothes,
  4. Focus on recovery once we got to the hotel,
  5. Sleep for 2-3 hours,
  6. Pack everything back into the van, and
  7. Drive back to the previous day's finishing point to start again.

It was a tough routine, but we pushed through every day!