FKT: Suki Nightsward - Gloucester and Sharpness Canal (United Kingdom) - 2024-05-04

Route variation
One way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 1m 18s

Got a bus to Berkley and walked the three miles from there up to the Sharpness end of the route.  I was running solo & had brought everything I needed with me.  Bit of a rocky start in terms of being over hydrated (oops), but things levelled out after the first couple of miles & I mostly ticked along quite steadily.  It was a lot sunnier than I anticipated and there is little shade for most of it, so that definitely made it more challenging than I expected.  The path is very easy to follow though & some mix of grass and gravel/dirt for the most part, with some tarmac in places.  Then after finishing I got the train home from Gloucester (station is about a mile from the end of the route).