FKT: Tom Burslem - New Forest N-S (United Kingdom) - 2024-06-08

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 22m 27s
GPS track(s)

Living quite close to the start of this route I've been wanting to do it for a while. I know the northern section quite well from training runs, but the southern part of the New Forest is not so familiar, so I welcomed the opportunity to explore. It's a great route and good fun coming up with the best way between each checkpoint.

I left the Bat & Ball at Breamore at 7:26am. The weather was mainly overcast, but with the odd sunny spell. Not too warm for the time of year. I was soon through Woodgreen and onto the familiar trails through Godshill, Ashley Walk and past Holly Hatch Cottage. The first section is the hilliest bit and once at Bolderwood you know that most of the big hills are behind you.

The section between the Reptile Centre and Balmer Lawn was probably my favourite part of the entire route. A path rather than track, it follows a stream. Very picturesque. In contrast the gravel tracks from Balmer Lawn to Rans Wood never ended, and I was very glad to have this section out of the way.

Beaulieu was busy and the ice cream and cakes at the cafe looked amazing, but I resisted and refilled with water at the public refill point at the car park. I felt very tired for the final section from Beaulieu to Lepe, and was very glad to come out of the woods and spy the cafe at Lepe Beach.

I carried all food, and had just the one water refill at a public source, so my run was unsupported