FKT: Tom Jessop - Arran Road Loop (United Kingdom) - 2023-06-25

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7h 25m 53s
GPS track(s)

Started and finished at Blackwaterfoot bridge and ran the south side first (anti-clockwise). Tried to wait for a good bit of weather but couldn’t time it and got absolutely soaked during the first half had a quick change of socks and shoes at Sannox once the rain had cleared and felt much more comfortable after this. First half of the challenge passed quite quickly and the distance ticked by easily. 

Heard someone say you can always run 10k and just kept focusing on each 10k before I knew it had ticked off 7 of them but this was when I started to struggle and last bit was a bit of a slog. But at the same time once I got to 70k I knew I would complete this. 

Delighted to come in under 7 1/2 hours.