FKT: Travis Burleson - Los Angeles County: Schabarum-Skyline Trail (CA) - 2023-09-01

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 14m 27s
GPS track(s)

Started at 10 am sharp at the covina trail head. did some hard hilly running for the first part through walnut hills. After crossing Grand Ave. the trail became overgrown and i had to bushwhack for about a mile. After crossing the puente valley and stoping at a gas station for a water fill up i headed back into the hills. it was pretty hot and the hills were very steep so i took my time grinding them out. The hills in this area are very rolling so there is never a sustained downhill. After crossing turnbull canyon road i started running low on water so i ran as fast as i could. finished at the trailhead right next to rio hondo college in whitier and called a lyft back to my car. super interesting trail cant wait to do it again.