FKT: Trevor Meding - Arnold Rim Trail (CA) - 2024-07-13

Route variation
Out and Back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
13h 39m 59s

Detailed trip report is on my blog along with more pictures to be uploaded there.


  • 45.22 Mi (72.77 km) | 10,413 ft+ (3,174 m+)
  • sometimes ART doesn’t turn out the way you want (pun intended)
  • decent first half, out - then the sun came out!
  • super slow coming inbound. Temps felt like 100f+ again the rock canyons once that sun exposed from the clouds. Had to take couple naps in the shade & dipped in the creeks to cool my core temp
  • x2 20oz of water, x2 18oz of water, x2 17.5oz Coconut Water (with Espresso), x1 32oz LyteAde (orange)
  • few handfuls of Mike & Ike’s candy, majority bag of dried papaya

I have been eyeing this route for a couple years since my In-Laws have a place not too far away from this. I have visited the area the last few years and had the opportunity to experience the Arnold Rim Trail (ART) on these visits. In 2023 I had a race very close proximity to my visit and so did not attempt the full out & back route. However this year things aligned and I took the opportunity to put a time up on the FKT board. Looking back I am glad to have taken the run, but there is a lot (and I mean a lot of extra time to be chopped off here). No matter what, a day in the mountains is never wasted.