FKT: Tyler Andrews - Gokyo Ri (Nepal) - 2024-10-21

Route variation
Standard route
Para athlete
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
28m 23s

A bit chilly, so warmed up in pants and a jacket over to the base of the climb and then uphill a bit, maybe 200m and felt pretty decent. Came back and did some drills and 4x uphill strides very hard on the route. Ended up running in just short-shorts w/ a t-shirt and jacket in the belt, shirtless at 5000m+!

Effort was basically a very hard tempo+ effort steady the whole way up. Very little actual running, but a lot of steep hiking. Kept the watch screen on just the vert, not KSch, as I wasn’t sure exactly how long it’d be. I knew the summit was 5330m, so I was trying to keep it well under 5’00/100m+ and that worked out well.

Very, very hard effort honestly, but ended up well under the old mark of 31’. The watch ended up being about 20-25m off, so it read about 5350m at the at the summit. Split my watch at the flags at 28’xx but the segment read 27’59.

A very good run overall. About 7’ faster than last year, 20%+ improvement. Chris was also up in 33’xx and Erin got the women’s time in 37’. Spent about 20-30 min up there w/ Chris and the Aussies. Jogged down together after in 16’, that felt pretty bad.

Very tired afterward. Lovely morning overall.