FKT: Tyler Clements - Knobstone Trail (IN) - 2024-04-20

Route variation
one way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
10h 34m 24s

Started at the Deam Lake trailhead at 6ish am. Wasn't quite as cold as I was expecting, or hoping and I was in a T-shirt within half an hour. Sunrise on top of Round Knob was incredible. Felt strong until I crossed 56 and then just problem-solved various stomach issues over and over until the end. The second half is certainly harder than the first, don't underestimate it. Feet were wet for most of the last 15 miles but that meant there was plenty of water in the creeks, of which there are many. Probably scooped 7 or 8 Liters of water out of various creeks along the way and filtered in two Salomon XA Filter flasks. Started with 2L liquid in my bladder with 2,400 calories of cluster dextrin and electrolytes pre-mixed. Additionally, I ate about 700 calories of Reese's sticks.

Only took one major spill coming down from a trailhead around mile 25. Caught myself from sliding down the ravine and quickly kept moving. Lots of blowdowns to negotiate and crawl over and under.

Wore a Garmin fenix 6 and a Coros Pace 3 as well as a recording on Strava on my phone (the second strava link, listed as a trail run). I don't know how to share the Coros activity as I'm only borrowing it, so I've included the screenshot.

The site won't let me upload a YouTube short, so here are the links: -- The video shows me starting the Garmin last before I began, and then I stopped the Garmin first when I finished, so that is the "official" time.

I've hiked on or around this trail countless times throughout my life and have crossed it on 56 heading to my grandparent's house hundreds of times. Happy to have finally completed the whole thing!