FKT: Whitney Richman - Pocahontas State Park - 2024-07-08

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 53m 57s

I picked a great day to do this (complete sarcasm) - dew point of 75 and real feel 104. I think this was the most I've ever sweated in a two hour period in my entire life. haha. no Breeze, but at least there was some shade! I parked at the Loop Forest mountain bike trails parking lot and ran to the intersection of Hawkins Forest, Forest Exploration, and Loop Forest trails to start the FKT loop. I ran Forest Exploration counter clockwise to the nature center, around Beaver lake, then continued on Old Mill and Fenley Station in a clockwise direction. I finished up the loop turning right onto Forest Exploration after crossing the boat ramp. My milage was a little bit short of 13, but I did not stop at the Nature center to use the bathroom or refill water. I did stop at the port a potty at the park entrance. I carried water, nutrition, and electrolytes in my pack, which lasted the whole run. This is a good route, but I would add the single track Co-op and Troopers Tribute loop by the water. These trails were recently added to the park in the past couple years, so they may not have existed when this route was created. The trails are well marked, but if you're not familiar with the park it would be easy to miss a turn around the Nature center to/from Beaver Lake trail.