FKT: Xavier Pettigrew - SAT 500 (Italy) - 2023-10-14

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
9h 41m 58s

I started my run at 6:00AM under the begin arch in Mezzocorona. Since I wanted to do the route unsupported I carried with myself a lot of food and 2L of water. Until the Cima Roccapiana the trail was quite easy to follow. Past the summit, the gpx and the signs on the ground were not matching anymore. After looking for a little moment for the trail of the gpx it seemed like it had been close or overgrown because I couldn't find it. I then decided for the rest of the run to follow only the official signs on side of the trail with the number 500. It made it simpler in general but a little bit worrying at some moment when the gpx and my position were not matching. Since the 500 trail is quite well marked I would suggest for further attempt to mainly follow the official signs. At 32KM I stopped in a little picnic area on the side of the trail to refill my bottles from a public tap. I then pushed until Gantkofel at 48KM where I took a little break to appreciate the view of Bolzano. On the last stretch, 2km from the end, the official trail marking switch from 500 to 512. I made it to the Gasthof Waldruhe at 15:41PM after 9h41:58 of running. Overall it's an amazing trail with a little bit of everything (some technical, some steep, some fast single and double track). The condition were perfect for an unsupported FKT since it wasn't to warm, my 2L of water wouldn't have been enough to last until the public water tap on a warmer day.