Podcast: Episode 115: From the Gear Junkie: The Best Gear For Your Next FKT!


Sean McCoy has been with the Gear Junkie since this excellent website was started 14 years ago - he knows gear!  Need a holiday gift idea?  Wondering what you need for your next FKT?  Sean has been there, seen that - what are his recommendations?

"I'm an adherent to the 'buy once, cry once' philosophy - if it's a sport you're committed to, get the best now, and then use it until it falls apart."

Oldies But Goodies

Anything made with DCF (Dyneema Composite Fabric; formerly Cuben Fibre). Sean has a Hyperlite pack made with DCF that he's been using for years.

Sean's PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) is a SPOT. It doesn't have the ability to send texts like the popular Garmin Mini but all he needs is the SOS feature. There is a new PLB: the Zoleo - it's designed specifically to connect with your phone, so is smaller, lighter and less expensive, while still having an Check-In and SOS button which operate even without your phone.

New For 2020

The Dahlie Winter Run Jacket has Primaloft Aerogel in the chest area only - it's the lightest insulation there is.

Black Diamond has 3 new lightweight crampons ("traction devices") suitable for running. The Distance Spike not only has 14 spikes, but a toe cover to keep your feet warmer and prevent pressure points on the straps. The Blitz Spike is extremely lightweight, with small spikes only under the ball of your foot, for those quick but dangerous frozen snow crossings.

VJ Shoes is a Finnish company that claims their shoes have the most traction. The iRock 3 has huge 7mm lugs, which is great for winter and other soft surface conditions.

Coming Soon

The Nike VaporFly changed the world of running shoes, particularly for road marathons, and their Zoom Fly and their subsequent models such as the Next % continued the tidal wave. Other company's rushed to produce a shoe with a similar carbon plate and energy-return system. 

The North Face may be the first to create a trail shoe using this technology. It's not available yet - stay tuned!

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Full CV
  • Age: 45
  • City: Denver
  • Occupation: Editorial Director (writer, editor)
  • Family: Married
  • Sports Highlights - - -
    • Leadville 100, Grand Canyon 100, Never Summer 100 (running)
    • Also a sailor, hunter, fisherman, skier, hiker, etc.
  • Social Media - - -

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