Podcast: Episode 226: Jake Jackson & Darren Thomas: A Tale of Two Joshua Tree Traverse FKTs


This week we’re traveling to a park where the trees have a name. The Joshua Tree National Park Traverse is a 37 mile long route in southern California. The park, eponymously named for the large yucca plants that grow there, is more well known as a rock climbing mecca than ultra-running scene. Yet within a few days of one another Darren Thomas and Jake Jackson both set records on this desert route.

Darren recounts what went into setting a wicked fast self-supported time including his prep time (spoiler alert: it wasn’t as much as you’d think) and using a pending plane departure as motivation to keep moving.

Jake takes things to a whole other level by completing the route out and back, besting every other unsupported effort for the double. He shares water strategy and the lessons learned about how all bushes look alike when caching.

Drop in to hear these guys chat all things trail with host Heather Anderson and find out more about the best desert trail you’ve never heard of.

Big thanks to Janji for supporting the podcast. We’re proud to partner with this trail running apparel powerhouse, whose super durable apparel comes with a five-year run everywhere guarantee. (Not to mention, two percent of sales are donated to clean water programs in the places we run.) Head to janji.com and take 10 percent off with the code FKT.

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