FKT: Michael Strasser - Seven Summits of the Alps - 2024-07-09

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
7d 10h 56m 0s

dear FKT team! i startet the FKT attempt on 2nd july (2024) 4:22am (mt. blance) and finished 9th july 3:18 pm (triglav) - 7 days 10 hours 56 minutes 

All sections were always published immediately on Strava and all sections included my heart rate. I also used a power meter on the bike which recorded all pedal strokes. There was also GPS live tracking   the link for the live tracking:  ( please klick "show all routes")

I was very strict about following all the rules for an self-unsupported record. The photos show the 7 mountains - all the routes inbetween were done by bike, without any help. no electric! no lifts! 

thank you so much! lg michael strasser 


PS: That was the craziest week of my life. (I've already crossed Africa and cycled from Alaska to Patagonia 23.000k) I slept 3 hours a night at first, but then only 2. That was crazy. I'm very happy to have managed it.


This is not a valid record because the summit of the Grand Paradiso was not climbed, but rather descended after the forepeak. The GPS track and Strava prove it.


I am the FKT Regional Editor.

I spoke with Mountain Guides and it is considered that the point of the Madonna is seen as the Summit of Gran Paradiso. 

The FKT for Gran Paradiso has therefore also the following note since the submission of the route in 2020:  This finishes at the Madonna summit, which is recognised as the true summit. It’s rare for people to traverse to the highest summit which is 3m higher and not an obvious point like the summit block on Madonna with a metal statue (

Therefore FKT team sees the record attempt valid.