FKT: Alex Lowe - Denali (AK) - 1995-06-01

Route variation
ascent from base camp
Gender category
Finish date
Total time
18h 30m 0s

Date is a total guess



Chad Kellogg broke the previous speed record on Denali set by Alex Lowe. Alex's record is reported to be 18 1/2 hours (yet to confirm this, but the NPS reports this stat.)


Chad went from base camp, to the summit in 14 hours, 22 minutes. He returned to base camp, round tripping the mountain in 23 hours, 55 minutes. 


He did the trip in 3 stages, using skis to 7,800 feet, then switching to running spikes to 11K, then switching to plastics and crampons from 11K up. He carried a down suit, mittens, CB radio and 3 liters of water. He had a small food cache at 14, but was unable to find it when he arrived. Some other climbers gave him a bit of food to carry on. He made the 14 medical camp in 7 hours from base camp. 


As for verification.. Lisa Roderick started the timer at base camp, 7K. Chad ran into a National Geo Film crew and Dave Morton (AAI guide) at 14K. The film crew videoed Chad as he ran, and asked a few questions. On the summit, Chad had a french climber and team verify his time, they radioed down to Mark Westman who was at the 7K base camp with Lisa. The French climber was Ivo Vesely. Chad then returned to 14K, ate more food, and continued down to 11k, where he ran into ranger Joe Reichart. He was stuck for a bit in a whiteout, but continued descending to basecamp, returning in under 24 hours. Mark Westman and Lisa were there to verify his return time.


Now this will undoubtly start a new vain of conversation. More details will present themselves in the days to come, but many folks on this web site know many of the above witnesses/timers. SO, make up your own mind.


There is also word that Chad intends to race head to head with Dan - in that speed race in Asia (forgot the name). It's also rumored that he has his sights set on a new speed record for Rainier.