FKT: Andy Wiencek - StauSeeSteig - 2024-06-12

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
20h 4m 47s
GPS track(s)

This route came on my radar last year by following the DMM. Because of the area it passes, I was very curious of what these guys made of it, the expectations were high and oh boy did these dudes deliver! They made a sublime route in an area which has already so many walking paths but they were able to get the most out of it. Hidden singletracks, hard passages through the Fens and a very remote and lost feeling due to the lack of passing by towns or villages, which makes it a bit harder to resupply, hence my supported version.

We drove to the start at Langerwehe station Germany in the Eifel, where the driver dropped us off and he went to the halfway point to have a 'good' night sleep in the van. Kevin Lander and I started running and after only 30 minutes we were in the forest which was full of wild boars! The night was pretty cold and we got very wet, not due to rain (which we didnt have) but due to the high grass and bushes that were loaded with moist. After 9 hours and a half we reached the van where we had breakfast and Bart the driver joined me for the second part. Kevin took Lander to the trainstation and waited at the 80k marker to resupply and did this again at 105K.

After 20 hours and a bit Bart and I reached our final destination which was the trainstation of Dolhain Gileppe.

Very nice day out with a dreamteam!