Route: StauSeeSteig (Germany, Belgium)

Submitted by Andy_Wiencek on Sat, 06/08/2024 - 07:28am
123 km
Vertical Gain
3,000 m


South Limburg is a bit of being abroad in the Netherlands. Hikers from all over the country go there to enjoy its lovely slopes and fast-flowing streams, including on the Dutch Mountain Trail that we have set out. But the mountains that start in South Limburg quickly become much steeper and more exciting across the border in the Eifel and the High Fens. That's why it was time for a new long-distance route set by the team of DMM: the StauSeeSteig®!

The Seven reservoirs

There are a number of impressive reservoirs just across the Dutch border. Most are located around Aachen in Germany, in a nature reserve with endless forests, steep rock slopes and exciting rivers. There are also a number of reservoirs below the highest point in Belgium. We drew a 125 km line along seven of these lakes, starting in Langerwehe, Germany and ending at Dolhain station in Belgium. On the StauSeeSteig® you are on your own and surprising views unfold again and again along the way. The tour takes you through the infamous Hürtgen Forest and past spectacular dams. Via the Eifel National Park and the swamps of the inhospitable High Fens we end up in the idyllic fortified town of Limbourg.

The Dutch Mountain Film Festival / Stichting Moving Mountains is the creator and maker of this route. All Credits go to their fantastic Team!

GPS Track