FKT: Aude Hofleitner - Tinker Knob - 2024-07-13

Route variation
out and back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 46m 16s
GPS track(s)

Pre-birthday Pre-Bastille Day celebration run!! I was doing the Oboz up Granite Chief and decided it was a good opportunity to push up to Tinker, my favorite peak on that Pacific Crest. Warm day during the heat wave. Clouds helped for most of it though the end was getting warm for the last climb. Tons of wild flower and running water and getting to lounge on the stone chair at the top while watching the snowy crest is always a treat!

I aimed for under four hours and miiiiight be able to get it under 3h30 on a cooler day with a little tap tap taper :-) Wouldn't mind doing it again!!

I refilled my water with my filter in the creek before the last climb up to Granite Chief. I had ~800cal (4 gels, GU chews, Picky Bar, Scratch in bottles at the start), likely could do a little more, I wasn't as good about it on the way back down.