FKT: Bailey Gripshover - White Pass to Pilot Ridge Loop (WA) - 2024-08-30

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
8h 2m 49s
GPS track(s)

Set out for a fun adventure in one of my favorite areas. My training lately has been lack luster at best, so I didn’t feel too hung up on getting a record. Ultimately was just happy to get out, do a big effort before summer is over, and take pictures of the analog variety. With glitter on my cheeks and lots of stoke, I departed solo at 8:15AM 8/30/24 in the CCW direction. I backpacked this years ago CW and vividly remember my knees rapidly deteriorating on the descent of Pilot Ridge. Didn’t think they’d forgive me if I did that to them again 😂

The first (and only!) bloodshed of the day was not even 2 miles in accompanied by a nice bruise on my right shin. Always love when that happens early on.. Quickly started climbing up steep Pilot Ridge and got peekaboo views of beautiful Monte Cristo (I think?). I knew this would be a brutal way to start but actually felt pretty good. Just before blue lake I made a wrong turn that fortunately I recognized quickly. First filter of the day at blue lake. I’ve swam there several times but sadly that wasn’t on the agenda today. Onward!

Climbing out of blue lake was…. comically slow. I had a pace only comparable to that of a slug. I quickly ate probar gummies and sour patch kids. It was very hard to estimate if I had a shot at the record given all my gain was so front loaded. Intrusive thoughts began here but I staved them off by continuing to move. Any pace is faster than stopping! I reached the pass and met a nice father/son (first humans I saw on trail) and proceeded to soak in the views running once again. Back in it baby!

Joined up with the PCT which always gives me feels. This stretch started out great and the views continued to be insanely gorgeous. Unfortunately the exposure and heat fullyyy got me and I was once again in slug mode, but without the excuse of a steep grade. The mellow inclines should’ve all been runnable. On review afterwards, my watch said temps got into the 90s and I believe it. Just did the best I could and ate some tasty blueberries from bushes lining the trail. Once I got to White Pass I felt some pizzazz again and started running consistently. Stopped for my 4th/last filter right before splitting off the PCT. I tried to be good for once and drank so SO much water/tailwind throughout the day. Like over 7 liters and I DID NOT PEE!!! Yet again I’ve treated myself to a prerenal AKI.

I descended a steep few miles to the final stretch by the river, seeing people I recognized from the trailhead hours earlier along the way. A man said “oh you went the fast way” and that gave me a good lol. The final miles were pleasant and rolling and it was now clear to me I’d get the record. I was very tired but pushed as much as I could to keep a relatively decent pace. Reached the trailhead at 8h 2m 49s and subsequently collapsed in my camp chair, feet propped up on the tailgate, chugging Gatorade. I still had not peed. My first FKT!!!