FKT: Benedikt Rindle, Jonathan Rindle - Kleinwalsertal Umrundung - 2023-09-03

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
14h 43m 26s
GPS track(s)

On September 3rd at 2 a.m., we started on our first ultramarathon. The weather was perfect, the night pleasantly warm. We started off very slowly as we were unsure how our bodies would handle the extremely long endurance. At Fellhorn, we enjoyed a wonderful view of Oberstdorf. At Mindelheimer, the sun rose, providing us with new energy. After the beautiful circuit around Widderstein, we arrived in Baad, where we refilled ourselves with pizza, electrolytes, isotonic drinks, etc. Following the crossing of Ochsenhofer Scharte, we prepared for the final major ascent to Ifen. It was here that I first noticed fatigue setting into my legs. After crossing the Gottesacker Plateau, we decided to push a bit harder to complete the circuit in under 15 hours. The final kilometers on the road were tough, but the real fatigue only set in after the run. And so, we completed our first ultramarathon, marking one of our most beautiful trail runs ever.