FKT: Benjamin Pratt - Central Park - Lower Loop (Park open to close) - 2022-09-06

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
# Laps
Total time
19h 0m 0s
GPS track(s)

I started the Lower Loop at 06:00 on Labor Day on the west side of the 72nd street transverse. I didn't really have much of a nutrition/hydration plan which caught up with me about fifteen hours in. I had friends bring me assorted nutrition throughout the day, picking up snacks at nearby bodegas. There are water fountains along the loop and I had friends bring electrolytes/pedialyte etc. as it was an extremely humid day. I had a lot of company throughout the day with runners jumping in with me for all different durations. My goal was to hit at least 100 miles in the 19 hours but as the day wore on I realized even hitting the 100 was going to be a challenge. The heat/humidity was relentless and I was having a hard time staying hydrated because I was sweating so much. 

My run club, As Is Run Club, joined me for some loops as part of their weekly evening run which gave me a bit of a second wind. I had a crew of friends join me for the late night hours which really helped me get through the end. It was a struggle to hit the 100 because I was having a very hard time keeping down fluid/nutrition towards the last few hours of the run. I couldn't have done it without the help of everyone who came out that day. I believe I hit around 59 Lower Loops.


Editor: 58 full loops was achieved supported 


Great effort, would love to see how you paced it. Any chance you could make the garmin activity open? (It's currently private)