FKT: Bethany Adams, Jonathan Zaharek - Cold River Loop (NY) - 2021-05-17

Route variation
Standard loop
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 11m 32s

Monday, 5/17/21

The day dawned cold and clear. Jonathan Zaharek picked me up in Keene, NY around 6:30 in the morning and we carpooled to Corey's road. Since it was our first time meeting, it was an excellent chance to introduce ourselves and talk strategy for the Cold River Loop. We both had a connection to the area, with lots of high peak expeditions and camping trips.

Weather to start was perfect: 40s and sunny

In my mind, I broke the Cold River Loop into 3 sections. Our first section: Trailhead to Cold River lean-to #4, went smoothly. We talked about those who have hiked before us and things around us that we can feel but not see. 

We refueled at the Cold River lean-to and the day was heating up. The next section: Cold River Lean-to to intersection with Duckhole trail was root strewn and slowed our pace a bit. 

By the time we hit our third section, I was struggling with the heat. The temperature had crept up to 75 and without leaves on the trees, sun beat down on us. We slowed our pace and finished at 6 hours, 11 minutes and 32 seconds. 

Overall, great day in the backcountry with Jonathan.