FKT: Brad Nash, Darrell Skogman - Georgia Monadnocks - 2025-02-01

Route variation
Standard route
Para athlete
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
10h 6m 55s
GPS track(s)

Weather conditions were near perfect. The day began with a chilly climb up Stone Mountain at sunrise. The road section came next, most of which was on sidewalk. Temperatures for the remainder of the day hovered in the mid-60’s. The road section of the route passed by numerous convenience stores and restaurants with water and bathroom facilities. In the early afternoon we entered into the greenway that connected us to the to remaining monadnocks. This section of the route consisted of paved pedestrian-only paths and boardwalks that took us alongside rivers, through old homesteads and under a covered bridge. Most of the greenway was under partial shade. The Panola Mountain observation was a pleasant out and back with a very modest elevation gain. Continuing on, we reached Bradley Peak and Arabia Mountain right at sunset.