FKT: Chantal Demers - The Crack and Silver Peak (ON, Canada) - 2024-07-12

Route variation
out & back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
10h 42m 46s

An early wake up, camping at Killarney Provincial Park, and a short drive to the Crack's trailhead/parking, I started this FKT attempt at exactly 5:30AM.

This is an iconic route in Ontario. It's a humbling experience every time you step onto the trail. The climbs are steep and plentiful but the views are next level!! 

It was a hot day, and I was completely drenched in sweat before I knew it. Luckily I had no issues filtering water on trail. Solo and unsupported, I enjoyed the noises of the forest today. My legs were still a bit sore, since I did my last FKT (100km+ on Maintland Trail) only 12 days ago. All good! I wasn't passive up the opportunity to run in Killarney :)

All in all, it was great! I even negatively split the run. 

Time to Silver Peak - 5hrs36min. Arrived at 11:06AM. It was an ~33 min climb on the Silver Peak Trail. 

I took about 3 min at the top of Silver Peak, drank the red bull I've been carrying for 5.5hrs and headed back the way I came. Left at ~5hr39min marker.

I arrived back at the trail head at 10hrs42min....breaking 10hrs45min! Super stoked. (It took 5hrs06min - including my break at the summit to get if my math is right, that's 30 min faster on the way back). It's only fair to mention that there is more climbing on the way to Silver Peak then the way back though. 

Another adventure in the books!

Cheers to my incredible partner, Jamieson, who ran the Crack as his FKT well after I started mine. Thanks for coming back to pick me up well after you were done ❤️🤩