FKT: Christine Soskins - All of Squak (WA) - 2024-05-13

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
12h 37m 47s
GPS track(s)

This route had been on my radar screen for a few months.  I got lucky with the weather--no rain and temperatures were in the mid 50s to mid 60s all day.  I started at 5:17, to maximize daylight. I brought three liters of water, with the intent of filtering if I ran out (luckily, I did not need to).

The route is rolling throughout, with steep ups and downs. I followed the official .gpx route for the most part, but took a few segments in the opposite direction--there are are lots of turns and some multi-turn intersections where I needed to pay more attention.

There are very few views on the route, but a number of the streams were flowing and the trees were mossy and green.

A tough, but rewarding day,