FKT: Connor McClelland - So Cal Triple Crown (CA) - 2023-09-26

Route variation
"intermediate" version
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
16h 49m 30s

First URL is race report!

Second URL is google photo album of all pics and videos, the meta data should be available with each photo. Click on the circled (i) when you click on a video or picture.

Third URL is a link to my tracking on my garmin in reach, if you click on recent view recent in top right it should show you entire route. 

Fourth URL is a link to my suunto account with linked activity.

I extracted the gpx file from suunto, I'm hoping the route I sent works. I sent another gpx file just in case.

Let me know if there is anything I need to change or add. I have all the data, I spent all day figuring out how to upload all of this.

Email me at with any questions or concerns.