FKT: Courtney Clifton - Big Dominguez and Little Dominguez Canyon Loop (CO) - 2024-05-19

Route variation
Standard Loop
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
11h 32m 36s

What a day! I started offensively early because I’m afraid of the desert heat. As a result, I kept losing the Big Dominguez trail in the dark. That was annoying and lost me some time. It didn’t get light out until I was almost at the Big Dominguez campground. I filtered water just before there and again on the way down Little Dominguez. The miles from the campground to where the trail disappeared went by fast but I got so many cactus bites! I had a little trouble finding the descent to the Little Dominguez canyon but finally figured it out. Nothing above class 3, maybe class 2 if you make better choices than I did haha. Overall a pretty solid day!