FKT: Dean Banko - LHHT gate to eight to gate (PA) - 2024-06-25

Route variation
One way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 24m 27s
GPS track(s)

Ran the famous LHHT gate to 8 route. I've run this trail and route numerous times. This time want to go for the fkt. Started later in the day then I hoped to but at least I thought the heat of the day would be gone. I was wrong.

Was roughly 80 degrees when I started. Felt good before the run and during the run itself. My plan was to run harder during the flatter parts and take it easy on the steeper climbs. That way I didn’t burn my legs up and had energy left to push when I could. You get roughly 2,350 feet of gain in those 7 plus miles on the way out according to maymyrun. The huge climb is around mile 5.5 in and goes on for about 1.5 miles and is 1,200. When you hit the climb there really is no relief to you crest it. Then it becomes less steep briefly as you pass mile marker 7 then you go back up till mile maker 8.

There are a couple climbs right away that arnt that runnable. Because they are more step ups, up the hill to the view then a trail you can run. Other than those step ups you can run the entire trail. Its not really technical by PA standards. You do have to pay attention though for some roots and what I call potholes in the narrower sections of the trail.

The trail itself was pretty clear. There was only 3 trees down that I can remember. However the sides of the trail in spots were getting pinch by overgrowth. The springs were flowing nice and I did dip my hat in a few spots to stay cool. Drank 20 oz of nuun on the way out.

Left some time out there because I knew I had to make it back to where I started plus wit the heat to push any harder on the way out would have been dangerous. He trail is notoriously humid and dry feeling. I was really sweating bad and getting the energy sucked out of me. If you know the trail you know how it set up and you can get good momentum going as long as you don’t get to cocky.

As per tradition every time I run the trail I make sure I touch every mile marker for good luck, I did accomplish the feat once again. I did start at the gate having my hand on it as I started mapmyrun and didn’t stop it until I ran around the backside of the marker. The ferns are pretty high right now. There was also some big flying black flies things that did bite me a bunch. I took a picture before I started, at mile marker 8 and then on the way back at the view.