FKT: Derrick Wess - London Underground Central Line (United Kingdom) - 2021-12-04

Route variation
One way
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
14h 41m 20s
GPS track(s)

It went very well! Better than the last time I'd run the route. I was already familiar with the entire line which made things appear to go by much quicker and then it was over. I started at midnight so I could finish during the day and also had my efforts from my day job in my legs but things seemed to go we. By the time I'd finished, I'd been awake for over 30 hours!

I was joined by one friend from Bethnal Green to Tottenham Court Road  and then they left after another friend joined for the reminder of the route, which was around 20 miles

I carried enough water to last until halfway (I refilled my bladder at this point) and did go into a couple of shops to get snacks but thankfully I didn't get any slumps during the run.