FKT: Elise Mordos, John Breznicky, Trisha Ignatowski - Lake George 12ster (NY) - 2020-08-26

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
11h 24m 8s
GPS track(s)

Trisha, John and I teamed up to complete the Lake George 12ster. We were gifted a coolish August day (high was 70 degrees). We split the route up into three point to point legs. We started with Thomas and Cat at 6:26am. We hit both of these peaks and were met by our crew (Cayla and Ed) at the Cat red trail lot. We were then driven to the Deer Leap trail head to complete the tongue range traverse, hitting the following peaks: Brown, Huckleberry, Five Mile, Fifth Peak, French Point and First Peak. After finishing this section we were again greeted by Cayla and Ed but by boat this time. We rode the boat to Black Mountain Point to ascent Black Mountain from the shore side. We then ran to Erebus, Sleeping Beauty and Buck, finishing at the Pilot Knob trailhead of Buck Mountain at 5:50pm. We signed into the trail register at Thomas and signed out at Buck. We would highly recommend this route to anyone looking for a fun adventure and recognize that this route is difficult to replicate without a crew like ours (boat and driving access).