FKT: Emily Keddie - Heart of Darkness Loop (OR) - 2024-06-29

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
10h 17m 5s
GPS track(s)

Oh deer god. Is that enough of a report?


The route is as it has been described: heinously overgrown, requiring significant navigation, and bushwhacking through deadfall and delightful fields of manzanita, on steep slopes if you’re lucky. Cougar country had my head on a swivel only the first few miles- after that the trail was so difficult I didn’t care anymore. 

My goal has been sub-10 hours, and I would have reached it had I not gone off trail a mile requiring doubling back- ironically though the trail was often faint or hard to follow, I followed a fairly distinct path down a canyon when I should have crossed and ascended the opposite side- this wasn’t on Gaia and would have taken me far north. Glad I checked at least when I did. Cost me about 25 minutes or so and added a little vert. 

There are scenic parts of this trail, but overall it’s not particularly full of views. The Ochocos are desolate. I did see one backpacker. Was chased by a very aggressive hissing grouse, stepped on a snake. 

Recommendations: start earlier (8:10 for me, got pretty hot), review water sources (12-13 mile dry section), bring headlamp, wear pants if you don’t hate yourself, and be prepared for Type 3 fun. This wasn’t a spectacular route IMO but offers a great challenge and a lot of things thrown at you constantly. Bring an extra battery for phone if using for gps.