FKT: Eric Neill - Camden Hills (ME) - 2024-06-16

Route variation
free course
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
3h 11m 52s
GPS track(s)

This route was a lot of fun to explore and race - thanks to everyone for the trip reports and putting this route up to showcase the park. It took a couple weeks of scouting the route and getting used to the techy trails before I felt comfortable giving it a hard effort. Figured I shouldn't wait any longer with the hot weather coming up.

Splits were very close to Barry's for most of the run. Saw a porcupine on top of Zeke's, which I think is a sign we should add the lookout to the official route. Was finally able to get about a 6 min gap by Frohock, then promptly gave a couple back with a wrong turn on a sneaky trail that turns off near the Frohock saddle. (There's not much heat on this trail, but it seems like it could be a faster return to Bald as opposed to going back up and over Derry.) Held on the rest of the way with a hard effort. Took about 400 cal / 20 oz with me, would have needed more water if it was any warmer.