FKT: Erin Ton - White Mountain (CA) - 2024-05-16

Route variation
West Ridge car-to-car
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
9h 50m 32s
GPS track(s)

This is such a cool route. Starting in the Owens Valley, you gain almost 10k up to the summit of White. I had climbed White once before via the east side, but due to the long drive it takes to reach the TH for that one, I think this way is much preferable. It is all off-trail (aside from the brief road climb up to the radio tower). Route-finding is pretty straightforward. Do your best to stay on the ridgeline the whole way. There are several sections of talus that are very frustrating (both ascending and descending). The upper ridgeline is quite fun though! There were several patches of snow, but they didn't pose too big of a challenge. Lots of ladybugs and little flies on the summit. Ate a snack up there and didn't linger too long. If I could have changed anything, I would have brought at least 500mL more of water. By the time I was descending, it was quite warm. I would have also packed less layers. I stayed in shorts and a tank top the entire time. I had climbed Whitney 2 days prior and wore pants/ puffy for that one so thought it might be smart to bring them, but didn't end up using them at all.