FKT: Ethan Campbell, Kym Sutton - Cache Dash Traverse (WY) - 2024-07-05

Route variation
Standard route
Para athlete
Gender category
Mixed-gender team
Start date
Finish date
Total time
11h 51m 35s
GPS track(s)

Kym Sutton and Ethan Campbell completed the Cache Dash Traverse on July 5th 2024 in a clockwise direction. The route was completely snow free except for a couple hundred feet section on the N side of Cache Peak. Ethan ran up via Goodwin Lake Trail couple days before and stashed food + water in a Ursack about 1/3rd of the way through the route on the N rim (43.44709, -110.62421). 

The N side ridge traverse was excellent and by far the best part. The S rim traverse involved some thick forest, chossy scrambling, and worst of all, swarms of deer flys that followed us for the last 4 hours. Ethan somehow avoided throwing up in the last couple miles through sheer willpower and Kym's relentless positivity.