FKT: Evan Metcalfe - Colvin, Blake, Nippletop, Dial, Bear Den Loop (NY) - 2024-05-25

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 17m 30s

Started and ended at the Roaring Brook parking area but started and ended the time at the ranger sign-in. Watch read 14:18 when leaving the sign-in but I forgot to start a lap when I started because I wasn't originally thinking that the FKT would be in reach. Felt really good up and over Colvin and Blake. Only brought a litre of water to start so I had to stop and filter at the stream at the bottom of Nippletop. The climb up Nippletop was rough and somehow I managed to drink most of my water refill on that climb but at least the elevation is mostly over once you reach the top. Felt really good on the way from Nippletop towards Dial and at this point I could see that I was slightly ahead of FKT pace and was feeling confident but my legs started to cramp up really bad on the slight climb up Dial. I had been neglecting salt because I was trying to conserve water. I ate a handful of Crispers at the expense of the last of my water to stave off the cramps but I had to slow down to avoid them coming back. Luckily, I managed to make it to the stream below the Noonmark Shoulder where I did the cost-benefit analysis of stopping to fill water again and decided that I would have to burn a few minutes filtering water if I was to have any hope of keeping a decent speed for the rest. Shoved in some more Crispers and carried on. Coming down Noonmark Shoulder I wasn't sure I was going to make the time because I was slightly off pace and falling further from the FKT but with 2.5 km to go, the terrain got less rocky and I figured I had just enough time to make the time so I put on the final burst of speed down to the road and then back to the sign-in.

Ended up drinking about 3 litres of water and ate a half a bag of gummy worms, half a chocolate bar and a few handfuls of Crispers. In retrospect, I should have carried a bit more water to start and some electrolyte mix. Beautiful weather and minimal mud!


Editor: Since the route was only a part of the total run it was difficult to exactly get the elapsed time. The cropped file (gpx) along with tracing the full gpx allowed for assessing the time to 5:17:00-30 and we are confident of the range. This was important since the previous record was 5:18:22.