FKT: Hannah McLean - Klickitat Trail (WA) - 2024-06-21

Route variation
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 38m 31s

So many thing went wrong prior to this attempt. A few days after talking to the ranger about the trail and closure status, the Parks Dept posted that the trail was going to be closed starting Friday (i.e., the day I was running)! After seriously considering a night run, I worked it out with the rangers that they would close the trail Friday evening. Phew.

Morning of I discovered my water bladder had leaked all over everything so I started troubleshooting at 0300. I dried my pack with the hand dryers in the bathroom and snagged my buddy's bladder that he left out in the kitchen (he didn't need it that day! Also, thanks Andrew!). Managed to get to the trail head on time, dealt with some stomach issues, and started my run right on time at 0500. I was so worried about the heat (highs of 94 degrees), I totally forgot that starting temps of 45 degrees would be quite chilly in my shorts, tshirt and no gloves.

The morning was beautiful! The first few miles of trail were pretty overgrown and grassy (tick city) as you wind through cow pastures and see Mt. Adams slowly sinking into the horizon. I had to jump a few of the gates because I couldn't get them open with cold hands or the chains were bolted to the gate. A few cows decided to take their sweet time crossing the trail but didn't get too much in the way.

The Swale Canyon section was by far my favorite. The sun was just rising so the birds and crickets were chirping their morning songs and the temperatures were perfect. You can really feel the slight downhill through the canyon and running over the truss bridges is so fun. You really just felt like you were the only one around. Alone with the birds, crickets and cows to enjoy the sunrise. There is a sketchy looking meth-lab type property near the end of the canyon…ranger said it's abandoned. Still a little creepy. The rocks through this section were nothing to write home about. There were a few very short sections of typical RR ballast which weren't super fun but not long.

The road section kind of sucks. I hit it about 0730 and there weren't too many cars but they come around those bends pretty quick and there is little to no shoulder. Tried to pick up the pace to get it done with.

Once through the town of Klickitat, back on the trail with different kinds of rocks which were more annoying under tired feet. I ran into one last gate about 6 miles from the end. I was surprised to see a gate on this section as it's not open range but the trail does still go through quite a bit of private property. The rangers had assured me the trail would be open and to jump any gates, so I just followed orders. Except someone had put extra chicken wire on top of this gate to prevent rouge runners from continuing, so it got a little thorny as I lowered myself slowly into blackberry brambles on the other side. Coupla scrapes and a little blood but onwards because it was getting toasty.

Not many places I saw to filter water this time of the year. The stream was either non-existent or too far down into a canyon. I brought 1.5 L bladder plus 800 mL flask and didn't need to filter water but would recommend stopping somewhere in Klickitat if you had to.

Thanks to all the folks who ran this previously and provided such great intel! Super helpful -- Kelly and Tyler in particular. Overall, it was a great little trail. Highly recommend. Looks like the Swale Canyon section will be closed for fire season and construction until Spring 2025 -- plan accordingly!