I started Dec 10th at 10:23am, finished Jan 7th at 8:22pm with a new FKT of 28d 9h 59m
Much respect goes out to Joe Kisner who came before me, and has been very kind whenever I messaged him.
I summarized my hike in this blog post jupiterhikes.wordpress.com/2017/01/11/florida-trail-fkt-summary/
Along the way taking 540photos, 200videos, and running into many(so many it was slowing me down!) who can verify where I was through photo, or just seeing me here or there.
In that blog post I've included a large chunk of the photos I took which have been uploaded to albums online, as well as my daily splits. As for the videos I haven't decided what to do with them, but if my hike comes into question, I will happily upload, as for now, most are just an (at times embarassing) reminder of the long days over the last month.
It's been fun, and as much as I would have said no, a week ago... I'd do it again
(James Hoher)