FKT: Jason Cohn - Cleveland Metro Parks: South Chagrin Reservation & Hawthorn Parkway Hike & Bike Trail (OH) - 2023-10-03

Route variation
out & back
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
1h 46m 20s
GPS track(s)

Started at the junction of Chagrin and Sulpher Springs at the garbage cans.  Ran clockwise down to Hawthorne Parkway.  The first half of the run went extremely well, felt strong and made it to Richmond Rd. in just over 50 minutes.  The second half the wheels began to fall off, I had serious trouble around mile 8 which stuck around until the end of the run.  I did have enough juice to push out the last quarter mile or so.

I only brought a fig bar for fuel which I at around the halfway mark.  I neglected to bring water which may have been a mistake, but I don't have a comfortable way of holding a bottle and I didn't want to drop it along the trail.

Overall I think this went quite well, though I see a lot of room for improvement and will likely put forth another attempt in cooler weather to try and beat this time.