FKT: Jen Day Denton - Pico de Orizaba (Mexico) - 2023-12-31

Route variation
up & down from Piedra Grande hut (Normal Route)
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
2h 43m 54s
GPS track(s)

Beautiful, beautiful volcano! While on vacation with my husband- We did Nevado del Toluca, Izta, and Orizaba together over a 4 day period. The next day after doing this route together, he needed a rest day so I gave it another go by myself to catch the sunrise. Not being acclimatized really hit me. Elevation is no joke! This same vert and mileage at home would only have taken me 1:20 to get to the summit. But alas, 1:56 at this elevation. Wild. 
Spent 7 minutes at the summit putting on crampons and 5 minutes at the saddle taking them off. Lots of wasted time if I had just been braver and worn spikes instead. Would love to give it another go someday when I’m acclimatized.