FKT: Joel Amiet - Warrumbungles 7 Summits (NSW, Australia) - 2021-03-27

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 7m 8s

Twisted my ankle coming down split, it hurt wanted to cry like a baby and go home lol...
20 second rest and a limp for few hundred meters and it seemed ok.

Felt great finishing Gould and heading to car park. Did slow up a bit here knowing sub 6 hours was off the cards. All of a sudden I drop the bag off and grab a water from the car and time is 5:31.XX 28 min fans for sub 6!! Let’s go baby!
200/300m in I slowed up for a fast walk.


Nutrition info
Starting with 3@500ml soft flasks 2 scoops of tail wind in each. two one liters with 3 scoops of tailwind each bottle 3.5 fluid with 1200 calories there.
2 ltr of water at ogma for a top up (used 1ltr of this with about 3 scoops)
1500 calories drank plus
One Anzac biscuit
Only ate 15 or so pieces of the lollies
One gel at the start also
Coffee and two chocolate chip pan cakes for breaky.
(Also drank another liter of just water on fans which i grabbbed from my car)
Probs less than 2000 calories consumed and strava says I burnt 3500.
Likely need a few more calories one honey sandwhich and the second Anzac biscuit might have made the difference to fans up feeling so shit
Top up to nutrition info, felt a cramp coming on between bluff and GHT, I think I used a big extra tailwind in my last one liter bottle. Seemed fine after that