FKT: John Clarke - East Fork via Lost Lake - 2024-06-04

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
4h 16m 54s

Super slow with all the blowdowns and massive snow fields to carefully navigate through. I would not recommend doing this route for another month when all the snow is melted. There were extended stretches of post-holing and skirting across steep snow fields. At times the trail was completely obscured by snow so I had to continually refer to the GPX route on my phone. 

That all said, it's a beautiful route worth doing in better conditions. I would suggest after July 4th given all the snow currently out there. 

I carried 1 liter fluid and three bars or gels. I needed all of it given the length of time it took me to complete this route. There are quite a few streams along the way if you carry a filter.