FKT: Jonathon Bellman - Arden Way (United Kingdom) - 2018-07-07

Route variation
Standard loop
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
5h 34m 23s

With a peak temperature recorded on my watch as 35 degrees C, this was a tough day.  It was also the first time I'd crossed the Marathon distance.

Starting under the railway bridge on Bear Lane (Henley In Arden) the whole route is marked with small green signage.  Some are difficult to spot, and I think I strayed a little off track once or twice requiring a backtrack to see where I'd gone wrong.

It's certainly not an amazing time, as the heat really got to me towards the end, and i had to take short breaks under the shade of trees to not collapse.  More water and fuel will be taken next time.  

Some of the route seems forgotten and a little overgrown, but it's a lovely trail, and at Marathon distance (just over) it's a great trail route to train for Ultra's on.