FKT: Joseph Baker - Brighouse Boundary Walk (United Kingdom) - 2024-05-27

Route variation
Double Loop
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6h 11m 59s

Setting off at 8am from Brighouse, looping clockwise, it was rather damp. Rain showers off and on were quite refreshing but made for an increasing slippery running surface, with three tumbles on the second loop. Some well-overgrown paths with brambles and nettles left their mark(s) on my legs - particularly near Beacon Hill area through to the Magna Via. I was glad to be wearing calf sleeves and long shorts which offer a little protection. The woods by Hartshead lane were muddy and difficult to run with speed. The central path which crosses the golf course was unavoidable ankle deep bog. That said the route can be much worse after prolong heavy rain.

I was joined on part of loop 1 by Jamie Brannan and then all of loop 2 by Vincent Baker. I restocked my pack after the first loop with further nutrition gels and bars. The loops fairly consistent, with the quickest mile the final one of the day.

Total time 6h12min which breaks down as follows -

  • Loop1 3h02,
  • 3mins restock my pack
  • Loop 2 3h07

On a drier day and earlier in the year before the vegetation growth there is the opportunity for a quicker time. I'd certainly like to have another go aiming under 6hours for a double. Familiarity with the route helps having run a single loop on four occasions prior to this.  

The Brighouse Boundary is a circular path approximately 19.5 miles in length, created in 1993 to mark the centenary of the former Borough of Brighouse, encircling the town. The route includes stretches across moorland, through local villages, and over the Calder Valley, climbing roughly 2500 ft.