FKT: Kaori Niwa - Shiga Round Trail / Shiga Ichi (Japan) - 2020-06-07

Route variation
Standard route
Gender category
Start date
Finish date
Total time
6d 12h 10m 18s
GPS track(s)

<English follows Japanese >

今回FKTに挑戦したのは滋賀1周トレイルという滋賀県の県境をぐるっと取り巻く山々を一周するもので、大津港をスタートし総距離438km 累積標高28,300mに及ぶコースを6日間12時間10分で完走しました。 




2019年、有志のメンバーが数十kmに及ぶ未開拓ルートの整備を行い、滋賀一周トレイルが開通した。 全体の9割以上がトレイルまたはダートの林道となっており、未舗装率が高いのが特徴である。 



- 比叡山: 高野山と並び、古くより信仰対象の山とされ、頂上一体には延暦寺の施設が点在する。比叡山山内で行われる天台宗の回峰行の一つ、「千日回峰行」は1000年以上の歴史があり、毎日数十kmの山道を巡拝する行を7年間に渡って続けるという過酷な修行は、日本のトレイルランの元祖とも言える。 

- 比良山地:琵琶湖西岸に連なる山地。最高峰は武奈ヶ岳(1,214m)。大部分が琵琶湖国定公園に属し、古くから近江八景の一つ「比良の暮雪」で知られる景勝地。京阪神からの交通の便もよく、登山やスキーに多くの人が訪れる。南比良の打見山頂付近には、びわ湖バレイスキー場があり、冬だけでなく夏場も景色を求める観光客で溢れる。南部の蓬莱山、ホッケ山、権現山に渡る区間では琵琶湖を見下ろす尾根に笹野原が広がり、比良山を代表する絶景区間となっている。  

- 高島トレイル:高島市を囲む中央分水嶺を結んだ約80kmに及ぶトレイル。琵琶湖と日本海の両方が見渡せ、トレイル周辺には美しいブナの林が点在する。 

 - 余呉トレイル:滋賀県最北部、本有数の豪雪地帯である余呉町に広がるトレイル。いくつものルートがあるが、滋賀一周トレイルは、中央分水嶺区間を主に通る。  

- 奥伊吹トレイル:滋賀一周トレイルによって整備され、2019年に開通した区間。滋賀県標高第2の高峰、金糞岳(1317m)や、第3位のブンゲン(別名射能山、1259m)などを結び、伊吹北尾根縦走路から滋賀県最高峰の伊吹山へとつながる。全区間が標高1000m前後あり、冬場は深い雪が積もり、夏場はブナの森に涼しい風が抜ける。  

- 伊吹山:滋賀県最高峰の山(1377m)。日本百名山。古くから霊峰とされ、『古事記』、『日本書紀』においてはヤマトタケルが東征の帰途に伊吹山の神を倒そうとして返り討ちにあったとする神話が残されている。中京圏や京阪神から年間約30,000人の登山者が訪れる。薬草の宝庫としても知られている。  

- 鈴鹿山脈:岐阜県及び三重県と滋賀県との県境沿いに位置する山脈。北端の霊仙山から、南端の油日岳まで、総延長100kmのロングトレイルがつながり、伊勢湾や知多半島などを見下ろすことができる。北部の霊仙山(1083m)、御池岳(1247m)、藤原岳(1144m)は石灰岩質の山で、山頂付近にはカルスト地形が見られる。一方、中央部の竜ヶ岳(1099)南面から鎌ヶ岳(1161m)にかけては花崗岩質で鋭い山容となっている。三重県側は比較的険しく、滋賀県側はなだらかな山が広がっている。御在所岳(1212m)にはロープウェイがあり、多くの観光客が訪れる。藤原岳から入道ヶ岳にかけての7座は「鈴鹿セブンマウンテン」と呼ばれている。鈴鹿峠以南は標高が低く登山者は少ないが、急な岩場などがあり気を抜くことができない。  

















多くの仲間や、IBUKI LIVEを見ながら応援してくれていた人たちがゴールに集まっていてくれて感動のゴールでした。今まで経験したどのレースのゴールよりも感動して体が震えました。 





ルートが不明瞭な個所もあり、夜間は特に注意が必要で、危険回避と事故防止、緊急時の対策として全区間にペーサーを配置し、ペーサーとサポートカーでデジタル簡易無線を使用し、携帯の電波が入らない場所でも通信ができるようにしました。それに加えて、GPS端末をもって走り、絶えず現在地がWEB上で確認できるIBUKI LIVEのサービスを利用し、安全対策を万全にしました。 



最後になりましたが、今回のFKTチャレンジを可能にしてくれた、家族や友人、私の活動をクラウドファンディングで支えてくださっているみなさん、スポンサーしてくださっている企業や病院の方々に心からお礼を申し上げます。特に今回7日間にわたって動画配信をし続けてくれ、応援企画もやって全面的にバックアップしてくれたメインスポンサーのサロモンと、安全管理とみんなが見て楽しめるエンターテイメントとしてのFKTを可能にしてくれたIBUKI LIVEを用意してくださった(株)ONDには感謝の言葉がみつかりません。応援してくださった皆さんも含めて、本当にありがとうございました!


English Version 


I run the Shiga Round Trail which is the trail surrounding whole Shiga prefecture in Japan. Started from Otsu marina on June 1 2020 and took me 6 days 12 hours 10 minutes for 438 km D+ 28,300m. 


About the Shiga Round Trail, please refer to the route description


The thing made this challenge hard was hot weather sometimes temperature went above 33 ℃ in town. The mountains are not that high and some places are very exposed without high trees because I had to do it in June for the sake of Covid-19 restriction. 

Trees and grasses were overgrown and made some trails difficult to find, especially at night. 

I lost my way in two different places at night and wasted about 1h30m. 

What also irritated me was so many bugs including mosquitoes coming at my head light during night.  

The best recommended season is May. It would be too cold before May and too hot after.  

Whether was rather too perfect. It didn’t rain at all during whole one week, so it was very hot during day. 


It started very well, maybe I was feeling too well and arrived at 70 km point earlier than I expected, but I kept planed pace after that until I got lost first time at 150 km point. 

However, my period started unexpectedly early and probably because of that and lack of sleep caused serious anemia symptoms. I fainted three times soddenly and had dropsical swelling. 

In early stage, hot weather caused trouble to my stomach and I lost appetite especially towards sweet foods. Watermelons and salty noodle and rice balls helped me to keep going.  

I needed to cool down my body with an ice pack on my neck or spraying water. I also had to slow down during day to prevent heat stroke. 

Towards the end, I got used to the heat or just temperature went a bit milder, I started to feel better and ate a lot.  

However, I started to suffer from sleepiness instead because I only slept 6h30m in total during whole duration.  

In the morning of the last day, I was having the hardest time with so much pain in my sole of foot and pain increased on downhill. Sleepiness was unbearable and I could sleep anywhere if I stopped even when I was standing. My pace became very slow and everyone thought I wouldn’t be able to finish within 7 days. 


My body was exhausted but my spirit was still very strong and got even stronger as if it’s fighting against all the tough situations. I told myself I can finish within 7 days and I can even try to finish within 6 days and 12 hours. 

When I left the Modoroki shrine at 14:00 on June 7, remaining distance was about 40km and only 7 hours left to complete within 6 days 12 hours. I run this section only when I was fresh previously and took me 7 hours so I knew how hard it is with tired legs after running about 400km, but I was still positive and didn’t think that’s impossible. 

My pacer and friends who run the last section together kept telling me positive things, but in realistic way like I have to push very hard to make it happen but it’s very possible and I’m running fast enough. I was kind of hypnotized by them and I kept following after their back no matter how hard they run. I was talking to them but I was hearing my voice very funny from somewhere else and I was looking at myself from above. I didn’t quite know where I was running, so I kept asking where I was and how many kilometers to go. It was very weird experience. I think I fell into a trance or something like that and I could run like when I’m fresh. 


I couldn’t quite make 6 days 12 hours but when I reached the finishing line, many friends and those people following me on IBUKI LIVE were there to watch my finish. 

I was very moved, more than any other races I had ever experienced. 


There are no mountain huts, few water resupply points and almost no places along the trail to buy food or other supplies, so I had to have supporting crews with a camping car which allows us to sleep in. I sometimes slept in the car and most of times in the mountains. We also carried a portable shower and I took shower twice on the way. Supporting crews and pacers used this portable shower or when they have time, they used nearby Onsen (hot springs). 

There are coin laundry and supermarkets in nearby town if you drive a bit, so supporting crews could buy food and do washing too. 

Last of all, I want to thank you to all who supported me and gave me cheers on the way or through SNS. I couldn't do it without them.
Special thanks to Salomon Outdoor Japan for delivering update movies on SNS and IBUKI LIVE for making it possible to conduct the challenge safely and entertain audience. 


Some places on Shiga Round Trail has bears. They are not dangerous if you don’t bump into them. I carried a bear bell and at night played music from a small bluetooth speaker to let them know our existence.   

Some trails are not easy to find especially at night, so I was always running with my friends taking turns. My pacer and my husband who was supporting me with a camping car carried transceivers in case of accidents or any special situations because many areas are out of mobile phone range. 

I also carried a GPS transmitter to let people know where I was real-time on IBUKI LIVE for the sake of safety. 

I was always running with my friends, but I made sure to carry all my gears, food and water by myself.  


It’s not an easy challenge which requires a lot of planning and preparations, but worth trying and I recommend to tough people who loves this kind of long trail with much elevations.